Monday, November 17, 2008

Bail Out!

First it was the home loan industry, then comes the credit card companies and now the headlines are talking about Congress working up an aid package for the auto manufacturers. Behind them it will be the aerospace industry as layoffs start mounting because orders are evaporating as the economy recesses deeper.

Well, where is my bail out package? Hell for me it would seemingly be pocket change compared to these others. For the average price of a mid-sized car I could recover from my small company's losses from the drop off in sales due to the sagging economy. My taxes go to help these companies with deeper pockets than mine. Yet I cannot get a break equivalent to the price of one mid-sized automobile? Isn't small business the backbone of this country? If the back breaks, what good are broad shoulders they support?

There is a lot of blame to go around as to why companies have gotten themselves into financial turmoil…mostly due to greed. I can't say that was the reason for my companies woes, it was a great fourth quarter last year then the word recession slipped out of news media…that literally halted sales of my products.

There has been some improvement starting now eleven months later, but how long will it last? It surely won't make up for those eleven months of wondering, "Where will the money come from to meet our daily, weekly and monthly expenses?" Which by the way, left our financial and spiritual coffers literally empty.

In the course we have become even more physically responsible, trimming deep enough keep food on the table and the mortgage paid. At times these were very difficult. Only possible by some extreme sacrifices that kept us from starving and ending up homeless.

Before Congress gets to spend one more penny of our taxes, they need to look at who is proposing and propagating this course of action…it wasn't the voters and taxpayers of this country. It was the industrial lobbyists and corporate donations that got them elected…why not let them bear the burden they created. Before I'd give the auto manufacturers a dime, they'd better put a new car in my garage…a hybrid of course.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Energy and Elections

As General Motors works towards producing it's new Chevrolet Volt, I can't help wonder if there is a utility vehicle in the wings to support the business world. A small van platform would be great for my business needs. I rarely travel more than 50 miles in my routine driving, for errands including the Post Office, Bank and other business related stops. An all electric small cargo van would be ideal.

As gasoline prices begin to decline some, the call for more efficient vehicles will subside just as it did during the last energy crisis. After the Presidential election they won't remember energy as a leading concern of the voters, they'll just get involved in other issues and distractions.

The candidate that would get my vote would be the one who has the gall to tell the American people..."Suck it up folks, it's going to hurt real bad for a while until we can get off our collective asses and face issues until we resolve it." The truth hurts but it needs to be said and dealt with. Yet there is no one running for office who can stand up and speak the truth.

How many politicians do you know that depend on their government salary to support them and their family? I can't think of any. The problems we as a country and as a society continue to be perpetuated forward. Never resolving only increasing in dimension and complexity. At some point the application of band-aids and duct tape will no longer work and the collapse will be fatal across many levels.

So let us start addressing our wasteful use of you really have to take the kids to school today...isn't that big yellow bus going to the same location. Forgot something at the will be there when you really NEED to go back into town.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Farve's Follies

Sorry as much as I enjoyed watching Brett play...his consistent season after season of "I don't know what I want to do" and "I think I'll retire" only to make a flip flop decision to play in the eleventh hour is akin to the little boy crying wolf. He needs to grow up and stand by his was his to make and his alone (with family of course) and he made retire. Though Brett has managed to win, his consistency isn't what it once was...he proved that in the play offs last pass lost the game. The Packers gave him an opportunity to make a decision, he made it early enough so Aaron could be woven into the team as the new quarterback...all Brett had to do was say...I am returning for another season. If he elected to retire later so be it, nothing would have been said. The Packers is and has started to groom a young that will be a serious contender for many seasons to come.

My opinion, let Brett sit...they have a contract option that they should elect to two years when it expires, then release Brett...he'll probably have a steady gig as a commentator on FOX for several million bucks a season. This also shows that Brett has no real life other than football. Maybe he needs a hobby...he has the money to afford just about any one he chooses. The decision both Brett and the Packers made were strictly business decisions and I support the latter. Farve needs to think before he speaks...dancing around it now in the eleventh hour is his standard modus apprandi and the Packers are tire of it, as are many of the fans.

It is my opinion for what it's worth, Farve should retire now...should he return to play another season anywhere and fail, his future commercial ventures will be severely handicapped...who wants to be endorsed by a loser? He acknowledges that the Packers are trying to protect his legacy...maybe they know Brett better than he knows himself. The Packers have been around a long time, they have done so by judging their players potential...Favre's has obviously reached it's limit.

So, Brett go learn how to be a sportscaster or a coach. Retire while you're young and you're body still functions...learn from your peers who played the game far too long.

Before I could get this posted, more of the Farve Follies has developed. Investigation of tampering by the Vikings to get Farve!

Instead of Brett being inducted into the Packer Hall of Fame, he's probably looking at being the main attraction in the Hall of Shame! Will #4 be hung upside down amongst the other great Packers inside Lambeau Field? Will his number be retired without ceremony? Will this great career end like other sports figures who have been banned or outcast?

Monday, July 07, 2008

Shouldn't It Be Common Sense?

Why is it (for those who have medical insurance) you have to make a visit to your primary care physician to get a referral to a specialist? Wouldn't it make sense to go see a dermatologist when you have a skin condition or a podiatrist if you have a problem with your feet? The system requires (for those who have medical insurance) to see their primary care doctor, a visit for nothing more than to get a "permission slip" to see the specialist who actually might have more knowledge on the subject. Just another step in the process to add to the cost of care. Those who don't have medical insurance, that can afford care get to eliminate this step...which saves them money.

You want to put the kid on cholesterol medications? Why not just tell the parents that their dietary habits are killing their kid? Give them a choice, start feeding themselves and their kids a healthier diet or select a funeral plan.

Seems we all must have stock in Band-Aid, we use them for every problem in life. We choose to patch the problem instead of repairing it. Which only creates a bigger problem later.

The saying..."There's never enough time (or money) to do it right the first time, but there always seems to be enough time (and money) to do it over." Holds true more today than ever.

Why is it we wait until something hurts before we pay attention to it? We've become a reactionary society, not a proactive one. Gas prices sting, yet we've had decades to change our ways. We've gotten fat and out of shape...yet we know what the cause is and do little about it.

What kind catastrophe is it going to take before we actually start to do what is right to correct our methods and ways of doing things? Hopefully, we'll all take a serious look within and start changing today.

By the way, who recommends kids as young as eight go on cholesterol meds, could it be a spokesperson of the drug manufacturer? Who's really in charge of our health and welfare around here? Have we sold our souls to big business?

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Ride With, Walk Against!

There has been a rash of pedestrian getting hit by cars approaching from behind as they walk along the shoulder of the road. Pedestrians should walk against the flow of traffic, that is walk facing the on the same side as the oncoming vehicles. Walk against!

Those who are riding a bicycle should ride going in the same direction as the cars traveling the roadway. Ride with!

When you are facing oncoming traffic you can observe the behavior of the approaching vehicle and adjust your path accordingly should the car encroach into your path. Riding a bicycle flowing with traffic, the vehicles can adjust their speed to allow safe passing as traffic flow permits. If you are riding at them, the closure speed consumes valuable decision time, possibly resulting in a head on collision between bicycle and vehicle.

Heed the rules, your life depends upon it!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Compact Fluorescent Lights-Made in China!

This YouTube video speaks volumes about our society and our government.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Lessons of Life From Nature

Even if life placed you somewhere tough, it doesn't mean that you can't rise above it and blossom.

Trouble in the Neighborhood?

At one of our favorite neighborhood restaurants. Though our experience dining there last night might be reason enough to drop their standing on our list of preferred eateries.

Our "server" asked us for our beverage choice, I gave her mine which she acknowledged. The she asked my wife's and then turned back to me and asked me again...I repeated my request and it didn't seem to click.

The beverages were delivered by her promptly, and she took our order and left. We proceeded with our conversations while we waited for our salads to arrive. Our "server" never returned. Our main entree arrived being delivered by a member of the kitchen staff (I'm guessing). Though our "server" continued to wait on other tables, she never returned to check how things were. She delivered our salads after another customer asked where his was when the same kitchen person delivered his main entree.

She offhandedly apologized that the salads had been sitting in back and someone else was suppose to deliver them it wasn't her job. She said all of this while quickly placing the salads on our table and disappeared again not even asking how our main entree was.

My wifes salad was served with the wrong dressing. We looked around the restaurant seeing others were expressing their discontent with the service. I asked one of the hostesses to summon the manager to our table.

The manager was polite, listened and explain he was having staffing issues. Seems there was discontent between the wait staff and the cooking staff. We explained our minor inconveniences with the service, but really were mostly upset that our "server" didn't accept her duties as just that a server.

The manager apologized and offered to pick up the cost our meals. We didn't expect that, but we accepted it. We've been eating at this particular eatery for a more than a decade, only once did I ever remember this problem before. Then too it was the beginning of summer, new staff and the manager frustrated with the situation. Then too we were given a complementary dinner.

I hope they get their staffing issues squared away soon. In this time of tight economics, many people will dine out even less (we are) so it could seriously effect their bottom line.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Tears Are Yet To Come

Looks as if all of the Angels in heaven have been letting their tears flow freely today. Rain has been falling and things are getting very squishy around these parts. Rain and lots of it has some areas experiencing severe flooding.

The local evening news started at five and lasted until past seven as the local weathermen followed the track of the nastiest of the storm cells that produced not only the rain but hail and tornadoes. Fortunately so far we haven't had any major destruction!

Our past winter was a record setter in the amount of snow accumulation we received. It brought back memories of what winters used to be. Our spring was equally generous with just enough precipitation to facilitate farmers to get their crops planted and get a good start towards harvest.

Well all that changed this week as the rains came. In the first wave (literally) the farmers experience only about a quarter of their crops lost to the heavy rains. Had we had several dry days in a row things probably would have allowed some of those crops to recover. But, the sky began to weep again and again.

After todays rains, the devastation will continue to take its toll, not only on the crops but on those who experienced the effects of high water and flooding. In short course we'll feel the floods yet again even if it doesn't rain another drop for a month or two. Food prices are surely going to skyrocket and remain in orbit until next years crops can be harvested.

For those with wet basements and water damage to personal property, hopefully you have insurance to cover your loss. Even those on "high" ground that didn't have proper gutters, downspouts and landscaping to carry water away fast enough also have felt ill effects of the weather.

Then there are those who, for some reason decided to attempt to drive through roads covered with water. Water does have a tendency to hide its could be a half inch or half a foot. Yet many don't heed the warnings and drive right on into the unknown. Some make it, others find themselves floating on an uncontrollable course and end up stranded.

They may have learned that the old sayings do mean something worth listening to..."When in doubt, wait it out." Which to me makes good sense. Time to find the life jackets and put them in the car, so the next time I have someone that passes me and drives into the big puddle, I can toss them one. Then watch the comedy act of them trying to put it on.

Then there are those who've done nothing wrong. Their homes and cars damaged by flood waters, helpless watching everything turned to ruin. Evacuation becomes a topic of discussion. Some have nearby families, others don't. Some will find dry shelter in a school with fellow citizen displaces as they were.

In time the waters will recede, then the process of cleaning up begins. With luck, life as it once was can be restored back to normal. In time, the event will be but a memory to serve as a lesson and reminder of what to do and what not to do. Hopefully never to repeat again, but should it happen, better prepared.

Hopefully sunny and drier days are only a few long hours away.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Ya Know When Schools Out For Summer!

The first clue is the presence of kids playing in the yard when it isn't a weekend or holiday. When you run across town to do errands the streets are filled with bicyclist in the middle of the day. Let's not forget those moms and grandmothers who are riding along with the kids, who haven't been on a bike in months.

Normally we enjoy relative quiet while we work during the day. Even if the windows are open, we generally hear the birds, an occasional barking of a dog and the slight din of the vehicles traveling down the streets. But now we get to hear some kid riding his ATV which apparently lacks a muffler because he's a quarter mile away and it sounds as if he's in our offices.

If you play hooky and decide to do a little mid day shopping (for office necessities of course ;-) ) you'll find that the stores aren't as empty as you'd expect. Nope, they're filled with kids. Hopefully for the merchant they are spending money, stimulating the economy. But a smart kid will be slowly spending his or her money so it lasts all summer long.

I guess I should have never complained about getting behind those school buses in the mornings and afternoons while I ran errands. I thought it was better to change my schedule to do things while those buses were parked in their barns...but now they are parked for the summer. Now all I have to deal with is kids everywhere all day and evening! How many days before school starts back up?

Enjoy your summer! Drive carefully!

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Free to Run

Within a few minutes walk of our home there is a park that holds a variety of wildlife. On occasion we'll be treated to the sight of turkeys, pheasant, deer and an occasional coyote. We're able to walk up relatively close giving the opportunity to enjoy them without a chance of a confrontational encounter.

There is something about the grace and speed that a deer running that captures our attention and eases the stress from ones day.

For us it has become a source of enjoyment taking a leisurely walk through the park. Always looking to see what wildlife we might chance upon to snap a quick photograph such as this deer running at full stride. Through these treks, we have become keenly aware of the environment around us. It's interesting to note the daily changes of the various species of plants and animals. We've also noted that the animals take notice of us, as we stroll along keeping a watchful eye and respectable distance from each other.

Hopefully, you too have such an place where you's fun, it's healthy and it's free!

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Afternoon Coffee and News

As I sit here at my desk sipping my afternoon cup of coffee scanning the day’s news headlines. It was somewhat of a shock to see that GM and Ford are planning to scale back production of their pickups and SUVs and indicate closure of those plants.

Ford has trimmed back overhead by selling off a couple of divisions, Land Rover and Jaguar, and now General Motors is considering selling off the Hummer brand. Is the automotive industry finally sensing a need to change and influence the market to better serve our society? Will they promote responsibility, creating a demand for smaller more efficient vehicles? Or will they continue to support our lust for vehicles of a much larger capacity than our needs actually require?

I’m hoping that they take the road of being responsible for both our environment and turning our society around away from its gluttonous habits of over consumption. To use a popular quote “Americans have been stuck on stupid for too long.”

Our rising gas prices are nothing when compared to many other nations. In fact our whining about them falls on deaf ears. Those nations have been paying double what we are now paying for quite some time. We’re just beginning to feel the pain they have endured for so long at the pump.

As in other countries they love their vehicles as much as we do. Yet they don’t drive vehicles beyond their needs such as those here that drive Suburban’s when a Subaru would meet their real needs. One of our neighbors does need a Suburban or a large passenger van, they have six kids! Another neighbor drives one as well, yet he is the only occupant 99% of the time. He drives it back and forth to work, at 14 mile round trip at most. His rationalization is he needs a four wheel drive vehicle to traverse the roads in the winter months…again a Subaru or other all wheel drive vehicle do as well.

Example, in the state of Montana, Subaru’s is one of the top most registered vehicles. Why, because of their ability to handle the extremes of Montana’s roads and weather conditions. They’re practical and durable in such conditions, so why is it then, there are those who still believe they must have a large four wheel drive pickup or SUV to drive in winter? Sounds to me like it is a pure case of choice, one governed by vanity.

Auto manufacturers have marketed to us a lifestyle beyond our needs, having a utility vehicle capable of off road exploits. Yet, very few are actually ever driven off our streets and roads. Back in the late ‘70’s smaller more fuel efficient cars were built and the automakers marketed them to use as the answer of higher gas prices. We bought one and stayed small until vanity (and marketing) convinced us to upsize to a pickup truck.

Then practicality came into play and we downsized to a small SUV. When it was perceived as being too small and impractical we upsized yet again, and then downsized when the cost of operating was taxing our budget. Later, we again upsized for sound practicality purposes, while also adding in a second family vehicle due to both spouses working away from home. Now several years later we find ourselves reducing to one vehicle, the older of the two because of its low operating costs and better gas mileage.

As American's cringe at the gas pumps, a valuable lesson can be learned. We'll see if it is or if this is history repeating itself as it did in the seventies. Stay tuned!

Festival or Folly?

Many communities have a festival as a means to celebrate a holiday or a historical event in their community’s history. Organizing and planning such an event requires as much moxie as it takes to run any major corporation.

One of the first tasks organizers must consider is placing competent and well motivated people into positions of responsibility, to ensure each portion of the event's planning and execution is viable and completed.

If an individual doesn’t have the same enthusiasm or perception of priority that the organizing body has, don't expect too much in return from that individual. There are a number of eager volunteers who’ll jump at the chance to assist, but is their experience and ability conducive to meet the end goals? Or is this “opportunity” just a means to help them forward their own career or personal agenda, not to provide the required support needed toward the success of the event? There are many who say, “I can do that,” but in retrospect they really could not. Obviously, this impacts the overall success of the event.

As organizers/promoters, you have to run an event as a business. After all, if the event doesn’t live up to its promotions, an encore event will be even more difficult to pull off. The adage of “garbage in, garbage out” holds especially true here. If one entity of the organization cannot deliver, it affects the rest, potentially leading lead to an overall catastrophe. The strength of a chain is based on its weakest link, so it goes in business and event production.

If you pull together the makings for a great event - bands, food, rides and all of the other fun things, but you fail to promote the event properly…no one shows up to the party. Poor promotion has resulted in failed product releases, sales and even birthday parties. If the marketing materials submitted to the community are dull and boring, so is the perception of the event.

So, to those of you who sit on a board and oversee an event, choose the right people. Choose those who are knowledgeable, capable, resourceful, enthusiastic, determined and motivated to provide the proper planning, promotion and production of your event. Failure to do so…well you understand the consequences don’t you?

Thursday, May 15, 2008

What is a garage for?

Garage. There are houses that have them and others that don't. Some have "wanna be" garages, they're called carports. A roof with no walls or a door. Essentially an umbrella for ones vehicle.

Then there are real garages...single, double, two and a half car, three car, two door, three door, single wide door, standard door or even a high bay doored ones. Garages are used to store what? Stuff you can't fit anywhere else in your house? Or outdoor essentials such as lawn mowers, bicycles, snow throwers or bar-b-que grills. What about your automobiles?

I see them used more as storage locker for junk and stuff that never gets used, or as a sitting room complete with television and stereo surround sound. If you wanted a rec room why not just leave off the overhead door and make a solid wall?

For those who live in climates that are prone to weather such as hail, snow, sleet wouldn't it make sense to park your autos inside the garage? Or do you look forward to going outside each winter morning to scrap the ice from your windows and get inside a cold interior. Using your garage to park your car inside out of the elements would solve this!

I'm the type that feels embarrassed when my garage door is open and everyone can see my garage when it is in a messy state. What are my neighbors thinking as they ride or walk by..."Look at that mess, is the inside of the house just as bad?"

Or when I pass by a house with an opened garage and everyone is sitting in the garage watching television....what's wrong with the living room? Is it so full of crap you can't sit down as an individual or group? Or are you longing for the days of a drive in theater...if so why aren't they watching the TV from inside their car?

I just don't understand. But next time there is a thunderstorm and it pelts your car with hailstones leaving little dents across it. Don't forget you do have a garage filled with all that useless stuff. Which remains safe inside while your car gets totaled sitting outside in the driveway. What am I missing? Shouldn't all that stuff be in your basement or attic instead?

Basements, why don't you have one? You have one but you don't use it? Maybe I better not get started on that topic right now.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Corn – America’s Bane?

I think it is important to take notice when the price of seed corn reaches a price that farmers cannot afford to purchase it to plant. What causes the price of corn higher on the front end (for planting) than more than what it yields on the back end (harvesting)?

Ethanol. This craze for maze to make ethanol has turned the food production system onto a mess. Arguments on both sides of the debate whether or not corn is a viable resource for the production of ethanol. So tout it uses more energy to produce than it yields. Couple that with the amount of acreage now being devoted to it; is placing great strain on the rest of the agriculture grown for food. Land once used to plant wheat, barley soybeans and oats are being used exclusively for corn.

This trend is driving food pricing askew, flour prices are soaring and creating a greater food shortage for the low income consumers.

Corn is everywhere in our lives. We used it as a fuel additive, sweeteners, fillers, feed for livestock and as an additive to treat our roads as a de-icer.

As a sweetener it is contributing to our national surge in the amount of adults with type 2 diabetes. Where natural cane sugars were once used, corn as a sweetener is now preferred because it is cheaper and more profitable. The food industry has been marketing corn and corn byproducts to us for decades.

Processed foods contain corn as a filler to stretch the core ingredients allowing for greater profitability. We feed our lives stock corn instead of the grasses they were created to eat. This creates the need for supplements and antibiotics because corn isn’t sustaining enough by itself.

Think about it, when you eat corn with a meal, does it digest in your system or does your body pass it along with the other wastes your body discharges? An ultra sweet cob of corn, steamed to the proper temperature dipped in fresh butter with a sprinkle of salt is delicious but it does the body little good. As a fiber it contributes little, other than a little gastric distress in some.

Corn is a multi billion dollar industry, it reaches all walks of life around the globe yet it provides little of the needed nutrition we require. Why do you think corn isn’t found as a wild crop? There are other grains far better than corn for consumption by animals and humans.

My Cat Is Fat

Well she is, though not in an obese way, just a full sized loving ball of fur. Actually we have two cats, sisters. One is lean and the other chubby. One prefers canned food, the other dry. The lean one is the one who will only dine on canned food. While her plumper sister nibbles just enough on the canned food to get a taste. She prefers the dry, snacking a few times a day, not gorging herself by any stretch.

So the other day I opened a new pail of litter to fill their litter boxes, inside I found a sample pack of food, dry of course. Nothing new about this, it is an effective way to get product into the hands of pet owners who will of course let their pets try it.

There is nothing to lose on the owners part, if the cat doesn't like it so what. If they do, then there is another food they'll eat if their primary choice isn't available. Our cats will only eat one type of canned food, but don't seem to be too fussy about the dry stuff.

This sample however drew their attention immediately. I don't know if it was the smell or what, but I used it as a treat. All I had to do was move the bag and they knew I had it in my hand. So while I was letting them snack on a few kibbles from the sample pack I read the ingredients.

Two of the first three ingredients were corn. The first being processed chicken by products...probably things like feathers, feet, heads, beaks and other innards we humans won't consume willingly or knowingly. Corn, well we are learning that corn causes us to get fat. It is used in one form or another in just about everything we eat that is processed. Whether it be a corn based filler, or a corn based sweetener is doesn't do the body good. Just hollow calories which turn into fat.

I don't recall seeing any of the animal documentaries about cats, large or small, wild or domestic that preferred to graze on corn. They killed rodents and other animals for substance. Lions and Tigers attacked and killed the farmers, not strip their fields of their crops. Feral cats hunt and kill birds and mice, they do not raid feed sacks full of grains.

So, I know one reason what contributes to my cats as well as my own midsection...Corn. Will I purchase this dry food based on the sample and my cats like for it? No, probably not, I love my cats and I want them to live a long healthy life. I might as well watch their diet as well as my own.

Death by Convenience

During a recent visit to the local grocery emporium to purchase the necessary foodstuffs for a week’s survival I came across something that caught my eye and had me wondering…”Why?”

Food has always been at the forefront of packaging trends for both shelf appeal and convenience of use. What has transcended is we now expect everything to be packaged for convenience. Gone are the days of cooking from scratch (well almost) and repackaging our own foods for our convenience.

Remember when your mom cut up carrots and celery and placed them in either a little plastic bag or plastic ware container then neatly placed into your school lunch sack or box? I know I am dating myself here remembering lunchboxes, but now all of this is done for us. We can purchase meals ready to eat, just like those used by the military only less healthy for us.

Now the item that caught my eye on this particular trip was little transparent “yogurt style” containers that had less than a handful of foodstuffs in them. Nuts, fruit, dried vegetables…”healthy foods”.

What we failed to comprehend as those who purchase these items is they are spending more for less. This handful of nuts for example retails for $1.99 or simply put two dollars a mouthful. A large bag of mixed nuts and a box of Ziploc sandwich bags (which can be reused for dry foods such as nuts) lowers the per serving price significantly…extremely affordable even in this time of high food prices.

Let me drop the other shoe…the container these convenience foods are packaged in for the most part are not reusable and add tremendous amounts of garbage to our landfills.

Is convenience worth it? Clearly the headlines will read “Death by Convenience”…Packaging…higher price for smaller quantities. More refuse to fill our landfills. Foods that have been and are now becoming clearly know as not good for us because of the use of highly profitable (for the food companies) ingredients ( ie…corn in its various forms).

Are you ready to buck the trend? Save money? Become more responsible for your health and the health of the environment you live in? Then it is time to start looking at ways to reduce the amount of convenience packaged foods you purchase. Dig out those old plastic ware containers you use to use.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Economic Aid Stimulus Package

Folks hang on...this is going to be a wild ride. I personally don't like the idea of the government borrowing more money to give the taxpayers money so we'll spend it to boost the economy. I think this is a loaded gun that will in the end cause more collateral damage than good.

My suggestion to you is...if you do get a rebate down your credit debt. You may not be able to payoff an account, but in the long run it will do you more good by lowering your debt ratio.

The finance companies are going to tighten their belts as well by charging higher interest because the volume of cash flowing through their companies during a recession will drop. They are living a corporate lifestyle that they don't want to give up any more than you do/did which got you into so much debt in the first place.

The Democrat leader Nancy Pelossi stated that if this didn't work more would follow? More money? Throwing more money at the situation only deepens our debt and compounds the problem. Had the government paid attention to the housing industry, they should have stopped the subprime lending...that is giving money to people who didn't have the means to repay it.

As it is said...Too good to be true...usually means there is a catch...and now the whole world is experiencing economic pains because of our lust for material goods and living a lifestyle beyond our means.

No I'm not above anyone on this issue, in fact we've had to tighten our belts really tight, eliminating all of our 'lifestyle' so we can afford the basics of life and get a handle on our debt. We potentially won't see a dime of this proposed rebate, not because we made too much, but rather because we've fallen under the minimum amount. Shit happens...loose a great paying job because of a corporate downsizing and the good life suddenly takes a turn towards reality. It bites but it has shed a lot of light and insight on what truly is important in life.

Again, if you get the down your debt, the worse is yet to come before we see a rebound in our countries economic future. Don't get dragged down with it. Get your finances in order NOW!