Monday, July 07, 2008

Shouldn't It Be Common Sense?

Why is it (for those who have medical insurance) you have to make a visit to your primary care physician to get a referral to a specialist? Wouldn't it make sense to go see a dermatologist when you have a skin condition or a podiatrist if you have a problem with your feet? The system requires (for those who have medical insurance) to see their primary care doctor, a visit for nothing more than to get a "permission slip" to see the specialist who actually might have more knowledge on the subject. Just another step in the process to add to the cost of care. Those who don't have medical insurance, that can afford care get to eliminate this step...which saves them money.

You want to put the kid on cholesterol medications? Why not just tell the parents that their dietary habits are killing their kid? Give them a choice, start feeding themselves and their kids a healthier diet or select a funeral plan.

Seems we all must have stock in Band-Aid, we use them for every problem in life. We choose to patch the problem instead of repairing it. Which only creates a bigger problem later.

The saying..."There's never enough time (or money) to do it right the first time, but there always seems to be enough time (and money) to do it over." Holds true more today than ever.

Why is it we wait until something hurts before we pay attention to it? We've become a reactionary society, not a proactive one. Gas prices sting, yet we've had decades to change our ways. We've gotten fat and out of shape...yet we know what the cause is and do little about it.

What kind catastrophe is it going to take before we actually start to do what is right to correct our methods and ways of doing things? Hopefully, we'll all take a serious look within and start changing today.

By the way, who recommends kids as young as eight go on cholesterol meds, could it be a spokesperson of the drug manufacturer? Who's really in charge of our health and welfare around here? Have we sold our souls to big business?

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