Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Which is scarier Halloween or Elections?

I hit my limit with election commercials and Halloween! I don't know which is worse the horror flicks or the election commercials, I leaning towards the election ads. As the election nears the intensity grows, ad after ad after ad. They fill my mailbox daily with their junk, and it goes straight into the paper recycles, what a waste of money. I'd vote for the guy who could raise the campaign money and donate it to some cause that would benefit someone rather than fill up the mail carriers vehicle and my mailbox or clutter our television programming with commercials. It causes everyone to go numb, and I don't really believe it affects anyone when it comes time to pull the lever. The campaigns just confuse us with negativism and make us unwilling to make a choice because they all seem bad. Maybe I'll just write in my own name this election, at least I know what I stand for and believe. Who knows maybe this could turn out to be a trick for politicians and a treat for the voters! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

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