Monday, October 23, 2006

Have It My Way...

You'll have it my way or else! What a wonderful way to conduct business. Would you do business with a service vendor with this attitude? Not me, I want a company who is current with market trends and technology, not one still stuck in the 19th century. Some traditions in business still apply but you must adapt with the market to remain viable. Businesses who show this attitude of, you'll like it my way or have nothing, attitude will one day wake up to find their customers and employees doing business elsewhere. We have come to expect things our way, and for the most part that should be expected unless we are wrong. You order a hamburger with just the fixings you want on it. The vendor delivers it just the way you like it so you return as a customer again and again. If they didn't you'd eat elsewhere. So is true with other service businesses. Some companies do business with 'this my way' because they are stuck in a rut conducting business they way they did on the day they opened. Unwilling to learn new techniques, philosophies or the social skills needed to be innovative in todays market place. So my advice is to look towards new businesses who have the passion to be what they want to be by building your business along with theirs.

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