Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Which is scarier Halloween or Elections?

I hit my limit with election commercials and Halloween! I don't know which is worse the horror flicks or the election commercials, I leaning towards the election ads. As the election nears the intensity grows, ad after ad after ad. They fill my mailbox daily with their junk, and it goes straight into the paper recycles, what a waste of money. I'd vote for the guy who could raise the campaign money and donate it to some cause that would benefit someone rather than fill up the mail carriers vehicle and my mailbox or clutter our television programming with commercials. It causes everyone to go numb, and I don't really believe it affects anyone when it comes time to pull the lever. The campaigns just confuse us with negativism and make us unwilling to make a choice because they all seem bad. Maybe I'll just write in my own name this election, at least I know what I stand for and believe. Who knows maybe this could turn out to be a trick for politicians and a treat for the voters! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

Monday, October 23, 2006

Have It My Way...

You'll have it my way or else! What a wonderful way to conduct business. Would you do business with a service vendor with this attitude? Not me, I want a company who is current with market trends and technology, not one still stuck in the 19th century. Some traditions in business still apply but you must adapt with the market to remain viable. Businesses who show this attitude of, you'll like it my way or have nothing, attitude will one day wake up to find their customers and employees doing business elsewhere. We have come to expect things our way, and for the most part that should be expected unless we are wrong. You order a hamburger with just the fixings you want on it. The vendor delivers it just the way you like it so you return as a customer again and again. If they didn't you'd eat elsewhere. So is true with other service businesses. Some companies do business with 'this my way' because they are stuck in a rut conducting business they way they did on the day they opened. Unwilling to learn new techniques, philosophies or the social skills needed to be innovative in todays market place. So my advice is to look towards new businesses who have the passion to be what they want to be by building your business along with theirs.

It's Snowing!

Wisconsin is know for it's mixture of weather and seasons. So it is not unexpected that we are getting our first honest to goodness snow showers. Though this snow won't be sticking to the ground, we know the days of having to shovel our way down the walks is coming. The problem is the lawns are green and lush finally after a hot humid summer with little if any rain. Seems a shame to cover such a nice green carpet so soon before it can be enjoyed, then again it is too cold already to be outside without a warm jacket on. Oh well, I guess I had better take a picture of the yard while the sunshine is still peeking and the snow hasn't fallen in measurable quantities so people will believe I had a nice lawn this year.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

School Safety

I can remember way back when the High School I went to didn't even issue student ID cards. It wasn't until a school in our conference began to have problems that we were given student IDs to attend functions hosted at that school such as track and basketball games. It was a strange experience for us students who only traveled about fifteen miles, to enter a school with security guards. In the next couple of years, the guards were armed to keep up with the kids and doors were secured. Passing through metal detectors as we exited the buses and entered the building created an uneasy feeling for all of us on the team. As a student I joked at how going to school was like being in a prison, were we so wrong? Has it evolved to that extent just so kids can stay safe? During my senior year at a different school, there was the presence of drugs and alcohol, but school administrators were powerless to search student lockers without their consent. We impowered the criminials not the school administrators to provide a safe environment. Only recently are schools getting the support of the law they need to watch and investigate students who are operation outside of school policies. School facilty and students know who the bullies are, yet our society turns a blind eye at the bully and his or her behavior. No consequences for their action reenforces the behavior until it builds into what we are experiencing today. School shootings on the evening news. It is up to citizens to get involved, it is your money being used to operate those schools, time to step up and voice how it is used. A new weight machine for a few football jocks or a new liaison officer actively involved with the kids each day at school. Just my opinion.

Monday, October 02, 2006


October arrive somewhat tame but as the day wore on the darker side of the month appeared early. Nasty wind driven rain showers and thunderstorms rattled the windows making sleeping nearly impossible. However, as the dawn arrived the breeze remained and the sunlight lite another beautiful day. The grass seemed a richer green and the bushes freshly watered and washed, sway gently in the wind. This month is a month of transition, one that if not utilized to it fullest potential will leave people scrambling to prepare for November and the events it brings. This is a time to enjoy the last of natures artwork, comfortable days and bountiful harvests. October may she remain unchanged.