Monday, July 30, 2007


I've been reading a great number of reports, articles and statements pointing out issues related to safety of various subjects. Everything from aircraft, motor vehicles, lawn mowers to fireworks. They all seem to want to point the blame of the resulting mishap towards everything except the individual using or operating them.

In well over half of these incidents the person was severely injured or dead as a result of the mishap. They even point out that in all probability the person was also impaired or using the product improperly. So why is it they are trying to blame the everyone from the manufacturer to the party that sold them the item?

Clearly if you load a gun, chamber the round, point it at your head then pull the trigger it has to be a defective product, right? The dumb ass (this is where the defect lies) who pulled the trigger definitely no longer cares, or didn't even care long before loading the gun in the first place. But the blame still seems to fall on everyone but that individual. Again why?

The resulting blame directed towards all the others in this equation costs all of us in higher prices for goods and services. If we would accept the fact we do make mistakes, we'd all benefit.

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