Monday, September 18, 2006

Tale of the Trees

The trees are advertising that changes are coming. The autumn colors are beginning to show a presence as temperatures begin to shift slowly towards the envitable freezing of winter. Colors this year seem subdued, probably due to a lack of moisture through the summer months. As the temperature continues to slid downward, farmers and gardeners fret over plants not yet harvested for their bounty, hoping the weather will cooperate long enough to reap their rewards. Pesky insects succome to frosts, making birds and bats work harder for a staple of their existance. We on the other hand appreciate the abscents of those pests, which annoy or bite us. I love fall, the time nature provides to prepare for a long nap to renew life not end it. It is not about new fall televisions programming, kids returning to school or football. A time to look back and remember all the activity of the spring and summer, and to plan for the coming winter. We are blessed to have such a time.

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