Monday, November 17, 2008

Bail Out!

First it was the home loan industry, then comes the credit card companies and now the headlines are talking about Congress working up an aid package for the auto manufacturers. Behind them it will be the aerospace industry as layoffs start mounting because orders are evaporating as the economy recesses deeper.

Well, where is my bail out package? Hell for me it would seemingly be pocket change compared to these others. For the average price of a mid-sized car I could recover from my small company's losses from the drop off in sales due to the sagging economy. My taxes go to help these companies with deeper pockets than mine. Yet I cannot get a break equivalent to the price of one mid-sized automobile? Isn't small business the backbone of this country? If the back breaks, what good are broad shoulders they support?

There is a lot of blame to go around as to why companies have gotten themselves into financial turmoil…mostly due to greed. I can't say that was the reason for my companies woes, it was a great fourth quarter last year then the word recession slipped out of news media…that literally halted sales of my products.

There has been some improvement starting now eleven months later, but how long will it last? It surely won't make up for those eleven months of wondering, "Where will the money come from to meet our daily, weekly and monthly expenses?" Which by the way, left our financial and spiritual coffers literally empty.

In the course we have become even more physically responsible, trimming deep enough keep food on the table and the mortgage paid. At times these were very difficult. Only possible by some extreme sacrifices that kept us from starving and ending up homeless.

Before Congress gets to spend one more penny of our taxes, they need to look at who is proposing and propagating this course of action…it wasn't the voters and taxpayers of this country. It was the industrial lobbyists and corporate donations that got them elected…why not let them bear the burden they created. Before I'd give the auto manufacturers a dime, they'd better put a new car in my garage…a hybrid of course.