Thursday, August 14, 2008

Energy and Elections

As General Motors works towards producing it's new Chevrolet Volt, I can't help wonder if there is a utility vehicle in the wings to support the business world. A small van platform would be great for my business needs. I rarely travel more than 50 miles in my routine driving, for errands including the Post Office, Bank and other business related stops. An all electric small cargo van would be ideal.

As gasoline prices begin to decline some, the call for more efficient vehicles will subside just as it did during the last energy crisis. After the Presidential election they won't remember energy as a leading concern of the voters, they'll just get involved in other issues and distractions.

The candidate that would get my vote would be the one who has the gall to tell the American people..."Suck it up folks, it's going to hurt real bad for a while until we can get off our collective asses and face issues until we resolve it." The truth hurts but it needs to be said and dealt with. Yet there is no one running for office who can stand up and speak the truth.

How many politicians do you know that depend on their government salary to support them and their family? I can't think of any. The problems we as a country and as a society continue to be perpetuated forward. Never resolving only increasing in dimension and complexity. At some point the application of band-aids and duct tape will no longer work and the collapse will be fatal across many levels.

So let us start addressing our wasteful use of you really have to take the kids to school today...isn't that big yellow bus going to the same location. Forgot something at the will be there when you really NEED to go back into town.