Saturday, January 26, 2008

Economic Aid Stimulus Package

Folks hang on...this is going to be a wild ride. I personally don't like the idea of the government borrowing more money to give the taxpayers money so we'll spend it to boost the economy. I think this is a loaded gun that will in the end cause more collateral damage than good.

My suggestion to you is...if you do get a rebate down your credit debt. You may not be able to payoff an account, but in the long run it will do you more good by lowering your debt ratio.

The finance companies are going to tighten their belts as well by charging higher interest because the volume of cash flowing through their companies during a recession will drop. They are living a corporate lifestyle that they don't want to give up any more than you do/did which got you into so much debt in the first place.

The Democrat leader Nancy Pelossi stated that if this didn't work more would follow? More money? Throwing more money at the situation only deepens our debt and compounds the problem. Had the government paid attention to the housing industry, they should have stopped the subprime lending...that is giving money to people who didn't have the means to repay it.

As it is said...Too good to be true...usually means there is a catch...and now the whole world is experiencing economic pains because of our lust for material goods and living a lifestyle beyond our means.

No I'm not above anyone on this issue, in fact we've had to tighten our belts really tight, eliminating all of our 'lifestyle' so we can afford the basics of life and get a handle on our debt. We potentially won't see a dime of this proposed rebate, not because we made too much, but rather because we've fallen under the minimum amount. Shit happens...loose a great paying job because of a corporate downsizing and the good life suddenly takes a turn towards reality. It bites but it has shed a lot of light and insight on what truly is important in life.

Again, if you get the down your debt, the worse is yet to come before we see a rebound in our countries economic future. Don't get dragged down with it. Get your finances in order NOW!