Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Hey Congress! You guys and gals up there talk a good game about what the Pres does and doesn't do. But why do you fail to hold up to your end of the balance of power? You introduce legislation and do all that voodoo you do to pass a bill, then the President Veto's the thing and it just dies...why? If the bill (I am speaking generically here) is so good for the country (hence the reason it was introduced in the first place) why is it allowed to die when YOU have the ability to overide the veto and pass it into law. Doing the right thing for the country. Have you forgotten Civics 101 or are you just doing this as 'busy work' to keep the voters thinking you are doing your best and re-elect you because you tried so hard to make a better country for them? I think there is way too much personal agendas and politics being conducted instead of really getting what needs doing done. The Democrats little demonstration of getting things done in a hurry was another example of doing just enough to get by. You set aside a certain number of bills to pass in a certain time frame, which was good, but why didn't you use the rest of the alloted time to get more done? Seems to me more productivity could have been accomplished with that time, but no all of you (Dems & Repubs) dropped the ball half way down the court...again so you could gloat and go home early. You talk the walk the walk or find the path directly back to the place you started because you are not what we wanted in our Capital.